Our theme for October is “Something to be thankful for…” I could think of TONS of things I’m very thankful for…my family, health, friends, a great stamping business that allows me to work from home. But…this time of year gratitude also makes me think of the Thanksgiving holiday. I only have a few truly “Thanksgiving” type of decorations that I set out. One is a set of little stuffed pilgrims and turkey that I purchased at a craft fair YEARS ago! Looking at them when I pulled out the Halloween stuff gave me the idea that I could re-create them in box form. And, I decided the Cutie Pie Framelit would be my best bet! So…here’s the family:

The Boy Pilgrim:

- The Faces were punched with the 1-3/4″ Circle. Eyes with the 1/4″ circle.
- The hats were made with the Boo To You witch hat.
- Collars, bonnet, hair and apron were hand cut. The scallop on her collar with the 2-3/8 Scallop Circle Punch.
- Turkey feet and waddle were cut from the Cutie Pie Thinlet pieces. Leaves from the Leaflet Framelits.
OK…time to move on to the next person on the tour my great friend, Mary Brown. I know you’ll enjoy her projects, too!